Machine learning algorithms have revolutionized different fields, including natural language processing, computer vision, signal processing, and medical data processing. Despite the excellent capabilities of machine learning algorithms in various tasks and areas, the performance of these models mainly deteriorates when there is a shift in the test and training data distributions. This gap occurs due to the violation of the fundamental assumption that the training and test data are independent and identically distributed (i.i.d). In real-world scenarios where collecting data from all possible domains for training is costly and even impossible, the i.i.d assumption can hardly be satisfied. The problem is even more severe in the case of medical images and signals because it requires either expensive equipment or a meticulous experimentation setup to collect data, even for a single domain. Additionally, the decrease in performance may have severe consequences in the analysis of medical records. As a result of such problems, the ability to generalize and adapt under distribution shifts (domain generalization (DG) and domain adaptation (DA)) is essential for the analysis of medical data. This paper provides the first systematic review of DG and DA on functional brain signals to fill the gap of the absence of a comprehensive study in this era. We provide detailed explanations and categorizations of datasets, approaches, and architectures used in DG and DA on functional brain images. We further address the attention-worthy future tracks in this field.
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基于深度学习的图生成方法具有显着的图形数据建模能力,从而使它们能够解决广泛的现实世界问题。使这些方法能够在生成过程中考虑不同的条件,甚至通过授权它们生成满足所需标准的新图形样本来提高其有效性。本文提出了一种条件深图生成方法,称为SCGG,该方法考虑了特定类型的结构条件。具体而言,我们提出的SCGG模型采用初始子图,并自动重新收获在给定条件子结构之上生成新节点及其相应的边缘。 SCGG的体系结构由图表表示网络和自动回归生成模型组成,该模型是端到端训练的。使用此模型,我们可以解决图形完成,这是恢复缺失的节点及其相关的部分观察图的猖and固有的困难问题。合成数据集和现实世界数据集的实验结果证明了我们方法的优势与最先进的基准相比。
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疾病预测是医学应用中的知名分类问题。 GCNS提供了一个强大的工具,用于分析患者相对于彼此的特征。这可以通过将问题建模作为图形节点分类任务来实现,其中每个节点是患者。由于这种医学数据集的性质,类别不平衡是疾病预测领域的普遍存在问题,其中类的分布是歪曲的。当数据中存在类别不平衡时,现有的基于图形的分类器倾向于偏向于主要类别并忽略小类中的样本。另一方面,所有患者中罕见阳性病例的正确诊断在医疗保健系统中至关重要。在传统方法中,通过将适当的权重分配给丢失函数中的类别来解决这种不平衡,这仍然依赖于对异常值敏感的权重的相对值,并且在某些情况下偏向于小类(ES)。在本文中,我们提出了一种重加权的对抗性图形卷积网络(RA-GCN),以防止基于图形的分类器强调任何特定类的样本。这是通过将基于图形的神经网络与每个类相关联来完成的,这负责加权类样本并改变分类器的每个样本的重要性。因此,分类器自身调节并确定类之间的边界,更加关注重要样本。分类器和加权网络的参数受到侵犯方法训练。我们在合成和三个公共医疗数据集上显示实验。与最近的方法相比,ra-gcn展示了与最近的方法在所有三个数据集上识别患者状态的方法相比。详细分析作为合成数据集的定量和定性实验提供。
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Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent chronic joint disease worldwide, where knee OA takes more than 80% of commonly affected joints. Knee OA is not a curable disease yet, and it affects large columns of patients, making it costly to patients and healthcare systems. Etiology, diagnosis, and treatment of knee OA might be argued by variability in its clinical and physical manifestations. Although knee OA carries a list of well-known terminology aiming to standardize the nomenclature of the diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, and clinical outcomes of the chronic joint disease, in practice there is a wide range of terminology associated with knee OA across different data sources, including but not limited to biomedical literature, clinical notes, healthcare literacy, and health-related social media. Among these data sources, the scientific articles published in the biomedical literature usually make a principled pipeline to study disease. Rapid yet, accurate text mining on large-scale scientific literature may discover novel knowledge and terminology to better understand knee OA and to improve the quality of knee OA diagnosis, prevention, and treatment. The present works aim to utilize artificial neural network strategies to automatically extract vocabularies associated with knee OA diseases. Our finding indicates the feasibility of developing word embedding neural networks for autonomous keyword extraction and abstraction of knee OA.
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Mixture of factor analyzer (MFA) model is an efficient model for the analysis of high dimensional data through which the factor-analyzer technique based on the covariance matrices reducing the number of free parameters. The model also provides an important methodology to determine latent groups in data. There are several pieces of research to extend the model based on the asymmetrical and/or with outlier datasets with some known computational limitations that have been examined in frequentist cases. In this paper, an MFA model with a rich and flexible class of skew normal (unrestricted) generalized hyperbolic (called SUNGH) distributions along with a Bayesian structure with several computational benefits have been introduced. The SUNGH family provides considerable flexibility to model skewness in different directions as well as allowing for heavy tailed data. There are several desirable properties in the structure of the SUNGH family, including, an analytically flexible density which leads to easing up the computation applied for the estimation of parameters. Considering factor analysis models, the SUNGH family also allows for skewness and heavy tails for both the error component and factor scores. In the present study, the advantages of using this family of distributions have been discussed and the suitable efficiency of the introduced MFA model using real data examples and simulation has been demonstrated.
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Deep learning has been the answer to many machine learning problems during the past two decades. However, it comes with two major constraints: dependency on extensive labeled data and training costs. Transfer learning in deep learning, known as Deep Transfer Learning (DTL), attempts to reduce such dependency and costs by reusing an obtained knowledge from a source data/task in training on a target data/task. Most applied DTL techniques are network/model-based approaches. These methods reduce the dependency of deep learning models on extensive training data and drastically decrease training costs. As a result, researchers detected Covid-19 infection on chest X-Rays with high accuracy at the beginning of the pandemic with minimal data using DTL techniques. Also, the training cost reduction makes DTL viable on edge devices with limited resources. Like any new advancement, DTL methods have their own limitations, and a successful transfer depends on some adjustments for different scenarios. In this paper, we review the definition and taxonomy of deep transfer learning and well-known methods. Then we investigate the DTL approaches by reviewing recent applied DTL techniques in the past five years. Further, we review some experimental analyses of DTLs to learn the best practice for applying DTL in different scenarios. Moreover, the limitations of DTLs (catastrophic forgetting dilemma and overly biased pre-trained models) are discussed, along with possible solutions and research trends.
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